If you thought you could not afford a big screen at your festival... think again

Because you can have one for FREE!




Let’s look at how big screens are used. Events like Cropredy, Reading, Leeds, V2 and Glastonbury all use big metre screens. They are designed for huge audiences and cost hundreds of thousands of pounds!

FestivalVision has developed a smaller system. designed for smaller audiences. Very soon there will be a three minute video of an event here to show you what we mean, shot at Wallingford BunkFest where we provided a screen in 2006 and 2007. In the meantime if you would like us to send you a demo DVD please get in touch via the details below.








Contact us:

Geoff: 07816 529 635
Kevin: 07816 529 635
Polly: 07816 529 636

  Click here to find out more!